Visit West Hollywood
Transform Visit West Hollywood’s boring, sterile brand into something that captures city’s unique flavor.
Turn the logo into an elastic storytelling device.
Smash stale industry formulas—by avoiding destination marketing clichés.
Spice things up—by breaking rules & provoking.
Comprehensive rebranding that entailed:
Repositioning city as naughty, free-spirited rebel.
Versatile new logo that’s a storytelling space—a keyhole shape through which to spy a magical other world.
New image style—shifting away from the ordinary/expected to a heightened reality of strange, dreamlike glamour.
Brand Campaign: “You’re Too Good for This Sh*t”
An experience that contrasts the magical world of West Hollywood with your dreary, everyday life—to create a feeling of longing. Key components:
Mysterious social-media teaser campaign—to create curiosity.
Provocative video that brings you “down the rabbit hole” & into the magic world of WeHo—to get people talking.
Wide range of still images—from mild to wild—for different target audiences.
Comprehensive display-ad campaign.
Brand concept & story
Visual identity system
Corporate identity system
Complete ad campaign—including:
Online & print formats